Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5

Below Resources:
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Website

Graphics API for Students of Python: GASP

I also have the Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame book
Game I wanna base my game off of

From both of these resources, I've noticed that I may have to change from being a first person shooter to a third person shooter. Or just like the game I've provided in the resources i could base the game off of a single character being housed in the middle of the game with multiple enemies attacking on both sides and as the game progresses, allow for upgrades. Basically demonstrated in the game. Off of the How to Think Like a Computer Scientist website, I've found off of appendix b the origination of the shapes that I can use to build the character and enemies.

After playing a few rounds on the game I believe this will be sorta easy, its sorta just like the pong game but instead of ending after u get a certain amount of point, it gets harder. I can use the collision event that happens in the pong game to then input an explosion from the object hitting it. Thus allowing the appears of the enemy getting destroyed.

So far, I haven't found any tutorials in/on any of my resources. So this is gonna be a bit tricky on figuring how i'll be able to complete this game.

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