Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15

Well sense it didn't post my blog yesterday ill repeat what I put up yesterday.
Possible Backgrounds:
Falling Computer Code
Fantasy City
Moon With Earth
Distant World
Space With Planets
With the above backgrounds, I can then use them to change the duck hunting game to multiple games such as: space defenders, city defenders, etc
From the sushi program, I haven't had the time to code it yet but I'm gonna use one of the above backgrounds by following how you had to input the background image.This then will allow me to have one of the above images as my background. From there ill use elements from the pong game 2 allow me 2 make a shooter(spot) and then use the random event to make the enemies to appear randomly.
I may just make the main spot where your shooting just ether a cross hair or a simple triangle. Or just reverse that towards the enemies as of them being some random shape.

1 comment:

  1. You are en-devouring to learn a large, complex system. The best way (the only way, for humans, really) is to break the complex task down into simpler sub tasks until the size of the sub task is something around which you can wrap your brain (btw. if you are interested in the topic of the limits of the cognitive processing power of the human brain, see:

    Using the Sushi Soup Fish program as a starting point is a great idea. Here is how I recommend you proceed:

    1. Don't waste time now on backgrounds and other "eye candy". It is easy to add later and just gets in the way now. Start your project with no background at all.

    2. Make sure you understand *every* line of code in the Sushi Soup program. If you are going to derive your target shooting program from that, you need to completely understand how it works -- that means you need to *study* that program.

    3. It sounds like you were already planning to replace the fish with the cross hair. That's excellent. Get that working first. Are you only planning on using the mouse to move it around? What about a keyboard option? Your first "deliverable" (due next week) is a blank screen with only the cross hair that can move around the screen based on user input.

    4. Next make it shoot. Don't worry about having any target objects yet. Why not just have it leave a red circle on the white background whenever you "pull the trigger".

    5. Once you have 3 and 4 working, add a single moving target, and implement logic to determine if the moving target and those red circles from step 4 are touching when the trigger is pulled.

    I think that is enough to keep you busy for awhile. Please use Dropbox to show me incremental developments of your program, and be sure to document your understanding of it in your blog.
