Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15

Well sense it didn't post my blog yesterday ill repeat what I put up yesterday.
Possible Backgrounds:
Falling Computer Code
Fantasy City
Moon With Earth
Distant World
Space With Planets
With the above backgrounds, I can then use them to change the duck hunting game to multiple games such as: space defenders, city defenders, etc
From the sushi program, I haven't had the time to code it yet but I'm gonna use one of the above backgrounds by following how you had to input the background image.This then will allow me to have one of the above images as my background. From there ill use elements from the pong game 2 allow me 2 make a shooter(spot) and then use the random event to make the enemies to appear randomly.
I may just make the main spot where your shooting just ether a cross hair or a simple triangle. Or just reverse that towards the enemies as of them being some random shape.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13

Ok what I want to recreate this quarter is the original duck hunting game like some1 did off of the pygame web site.
Duck Hunting Game
From this game I wanna change the effects of the game, like after you reach a certain number of kills the birds get faster or they change into a different thing for you to shoot. Or also allow for a upgrade in weapons as you go through the levels to allow for better chances of hitting the faster more smart ducks.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5

Below Resources:
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Website

Graphics API for Students of Python: GASP

I also have the Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame book
Game I wanna base my game off of

From both of these resources, I've noticed that I may have to change from being a first person shooter to a third person shooter. Or just like the game I've provided in the resources i could base the game off of a single character being housed in the middle of the game with multiple enemies attacking on both sides and as the game progresses, allow for upgrades. Basically demonstrated in the game. Off of the How to Think Like a Computer Scientist website, I've found off of appendix b the origination of the shapes that I can use to build the character and enemies.

After playing a few rounds on the game I believe this will be sorta easy, its sorta just like the pong game but instead of ending after u get a certain amount of point, it gets harder. I can use the collision event that happens in the pong game to then input an explosion from the object hitting it. Thus allowing the appears of the enemy getting destroyed.

So far, I haven't found any tutorials in/on any of my resources. So this is gonna be a bit tricky on figuring how i'll be able to complete this game.

Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4

The name of my program will be called "A Better Game"

My goal for this final quarter is to produce a game that is basically a basic first person shooter. The game may only be a level or two, but I just wanna have the concept of it being a first person shooter.

Ill continue on rest of goal setting tomorrow